You will see a page displaying details “Current media information”.Ĭheck for location bar at the bottom you click, highlight and copy all in the URL Location field or simply press Ctrl+A à Ctrl+C. You then navigate to VLC Menu Again then open Tools/ Interface, select Codec Information or simply press Ctrl+J. You proceed by pasting the Video URL link you copied in the bar provided says “please enter the URL” or simply press CTRL+V.Ĭome down to the bottom and click play, the video will be opened and start playing. Click VLC Menu…Open Media… then Open Network stream. Navigate to VLC Menu and go to Media option on the top left corner and open Network stream or simply press Ctrl+N. Then you highlight and copy the URL of the video in the search bar, (Control+A/Ctrl+A àthen Control+C/Ctrl+C).
You proceed by searching and selecting the video of your choice, the video will start playing instantly. Then you open your browser and search Https:/